Mental Health
No one is exempt
Some people think that only people with mental illnesses have to pay attention to their mental health. But that is similar to saying only those with heart disease need to watch what they eat. We all need to maintain and care for our mental health throughout life.
The truth is that your emotions, thoughts and attitudes affect your energy, productivity and overall health. Good mental health strengthens your ability to cope with everyday stress or even more serious crises and challenges. Good mental health is essential to creating the life you want.
You can take steps to promote your mental health.
Click the link below for 10 tools for taking care of your mental health
Mental Illness
One of the best ways we, as a community, can help those with mental illness is to get rid of the stigma. An organization called NAMI (link provided below) wants to replace stigma with hope. They suggest 3 steps in taking the "Stigmafree pledge."
Step 1: Educate yourself and others.
Step 2: See the person and not the illness.
Step 3: Take action on mental health issues.
Click here to see an expansion on these important steps:
The power of empathy to help and heal
Know the Warning Signs:
Help and hope is available.
EMS ISD Counseling and Campus Support
Phone: 817-847-7793